Jan von Loeper

Interaction Designer

MFA Thesis in Interaction Design

symbolic image of compass on blurred background of city map


In the context of music platforms, playlists result from personal curation or machine learning algorithms.

Nectar breaks out of the screen and envisions the urban environment as a spatial browser for music discovery.

Projects as part of Interaction Design Studies

I enjoy developing extended reality applications that feel as natural as riding a bike, putting a sweater on, or waving ‘Hi’.

Sound Labels

Graphic labels are unresponsive. What if we could filter all products in our fridge based on best-before-date or dietary preference? What if labels provided us only with the information that is relevant to us?

In this collaboration project, we explore browsing the kitchen with a smart ring and sound signals.

Professional Work

Since 2016 I have been working with Industrial Design, UX and Interaction Design.

Touch Gestures for Folding Screens

At forpeople Amsterdam I was employed as Interaction Design Intern. Among other projects, I examined gestures for navigating the desktop of a curved and folding touch screen.

Intensive Patient Care

At startup Agatha I laid the foundation for Industrial & UX design. Starting from a blank sheet of paper I designed their first floor lift with integrated data reporting in the context of physical rehabilitation.

Industry 4.0 Tools

At Atlas Copco I worked as Industrial Designer. I helped integrate the complexity of the controller, on the left, into the newly designed tightening tool, on the right, in an 80 people strong project team.


Food for thought, articles, and academic contributions.

7 Interaction design strategies for staying in the flow (strategy)

Prototyping smartwatch interactions (guide)

Design for Extended Reality (framework)

Hybrid Learning Guide (research project)

Cocoon – Conceptualisation of a virtual membrane (research project)